
What is Hypnosis?
It is a state of deep relaxation, where you can connect to your greater self (superconscious, higher self, or oversoul) that is all-loving, all-knowing part of you that sees the whole picture.
Hypnosis is a very natural state. Everyone enters a hypnotic state at least twice a day; when falling asleep and waking up.
QuantumU Hypnosis is right for you if
· you are curious about hypnosis, you want to experience it, but don’t really have anything specific you feel you need to change.
· you have health concerns
· you have multiple issues (phobias, habits, fear,s...) you want to improve.
· you have questions about your life and your relationships.
· you feel stuck, and you want to grow personally and/or spiritually.
Preparation for the Session
Intention is a powerful magnetic energy that is sent to a certain direction.
Set your intention to have a great session!
Once you've made the decision to have a QH session, your Higher Self is already preparing and getting ready to have a wonderful conversation with you. Your conscious self needs to be reminded that it will be taking a back seat in this experience.
List of Questions
Take your time and prepare a list of maximum 20 questions that you want to receive answers to. Print them out on paper and bring them with you on the day of your appointment.
We will go through the questions together in the pre-talk immediately prior to the session.
Here are the main groups of questions that may help you clarify what you want/need to know.
· metaphysical questions/your mission/purpose in life/why are you here
· questions about personal life/partnership/children/broader family
· questions about job/what you do in your life/money
· questions about health/family members health/pets health
· questions about heart desires/what would you like to accomplish in life
Practice Relaxing prior to the Session
Just close your eyes and bring your awareness to any part of your body where there is tension. Breathe into that space until you feel the tension lessen or dissolve. Remain in that space for as long as you can, just locating any tensions until your entire body is easily and effortlessly relaxed. This practice can be useful on the day of your session, helping you to access a lovely state of relaxation.  
Get a good night's sleep. If you meditate, do so the morning or day of your appointment to help clear your mind. If you don’t meditate, then do something that calms you like taking a nice relaxing walk, petting your pet or listening to some soothing music. 
What to Eat & Drink
You should eat well but light such as fruits or a salad before you arrive for your session. Drink plenty of water. Eliminate or limit your use of caffeine the day of your session. If you normally have 3 cups of coffee in the morning, try just having one. This will ensure that you easily enter into that wonderful state of deep relaxation.
The night before & the day of your session don't drink alcohol. A session will not be conducted if the client is under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any other substances that alter their state of awareness. Do not take any pills to relax you. This may jeopardize the success of the session.
No Expectations
Release any expectation of what you should feel like when you are in a deep relaxation or what your session
will be like.
Just enjoy the experience and let the Universe take care of the details.
After the Session
You will be fully alert but deeply relaxed and find yourself in a semi to very blissful state.
Be sure to eat something after the session so that it will ground you. (Very important!)
Schedule the rest of your day so that after the session you won't have activities that will require a lot of concentration or physical hard work. Go to sleep at your normal sleep time.
Your QuantumU Hypnosis session will be digitally recorded, and you will receive an mp3 recording within 3 days after the session. Do NOT listen to it while driving your car!
For about three days after the session the connection will remain open to your Higher Self so pay attention to your dreams because your Higher Self will find it easier to communicate with you through dreams.
Sometimes it can take some time to process everything that has happened during a session, especially when many meaningful things can happen in such a short period of time. Pay attention because important information may be coming through to you when you least expect it and you don't want to miss it! Since the vibration of your Higher Self will also be recorded, you will continue to receive insight and self-healing any time you listen to the recording of your session.
QH is intended for personal self-exploration and information only, and is not, in any way meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or psychiatric conditions, nor replace care provided by a licensed health care practitioner.
​Quantum Hypnosis is not suitable for minors, people with personality disorders, or people with short-term memory problems (such as Alzheimer's), though it could be done though a surrogate session.
​To Those Who Are Hard of Hearing or Wear Hearing Aids; please bring ear buds or headphones for your session. You must be able to hear me and relax into the session